How does Coviu's API differ from other providers?

Comparing Coviu's API to that of other API services

There are a number of other video call API providers, including Vonage (previously TokBox), and Twilio.

Without speaking specifically about any other platform, most of these are PaaS (Platform As A Service) providers for anyone wanting to develop a video conferencing functionality in their software.

Generally speaking, in comparison to other platforms, Coviu offers:

  • A high-level API: If you build a video interface with many other providers, you still have to really learn all the ins and outs of video calls to make sure they can work with your workflows. That means, you have to hire somebody who can develop and maintain that part of your codebase. With Coviu, that's provided by us, in a high-level API.
  • End to end encryption:  See the full article of Security and Privacy here
  • Clinical Addons: Coviu focusses on healthcare, and provides a range of on-call Addons for clinicians and patients to use. Over time more Addons will become available via the API.
  • Simple costing: Costing for many video APIs are based on minutes and server usage etc, so it can be more complicated to calculate how much a call costs. You usually have to add up TURN server use, signalling server use, minutes used by each participant to get a comparable cost. Coviu includes all of that cost in one package and gives you a simple way to charge per call.