*Coming Soon*: Pearson Assessment: KTEA-3 Form A, Stimulus Books 1 & 2

Pearson Clinical's Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3) Form A, Stimulus Books 1 & 2 + digital administration will soon be available to install on Coviu! 

Empower all your students to succeed and receive a deeper understanding of achievement gaps with the KTEA-3 assessment. The KTEA-3 is an individually-administered measure of academic achievement for children, adolescents and young adults. This comprehensive assessment of key academic skills assesses a broad measure of listening, speaking, reading, writing and math skills.

This assessment will be available to install in both AU and USA.

RPM-app-MAC-Circles (1)


Please contact support@coviu.com for any questions.

Updated 22/06/23